Employee Of The Month Award Employee of the Month Award...
Topics In Science V3 Topics in Science Volume 3 uses graphics and animations to visualize and to provide insights into the following topics: Protein formation Cell membrane diffusion Immune system Chromosome, Hemoglobin, Sperm, Nerve Cell, Microvilli The content of this title is a subset of 'The Cell' program. It displays many of the texts ,graphics and animations of 'the Cell' using a Flash interface. The multimedia content is delivered as a stand alone application. Download the zipped file and extract it into a single folder. All unzipped files need to reside in the same folder. Click on intro_V3.exe to start the program. The file readmefirst.txt is part of the zipped file, it provides additional info if required. This multimedia title is for high school students grades 9 to 12...
Take It Down Carom Edition Professional Carom Billiards Scorekeeping System. The #1 choice for easy scorekeeping and quick results on the web. The Scoreboard feature keeps officials, players, and spectators in the game. Scorekeeping, Scoreboard, and Results System for Tournaments, Leagues, Instructors and Students of Carom Billiards. Take It Down! per site license. Meaning you may load Take It Down! on as many computers you like. However, the loaded computers may only be used within your establishment. Take It Down! software is generated for your company. Please double-check your information before submitting. If you find errors after registration and/or payment, delays will occur for your software. Purchase includes FREE updates and fixes up to the next major release. Delivery time is 24 - 48 business hours. The...
A Whale Of A Tale Dive Into Math 3 Mac Version " A Whale of a Tale: Dive into Math 3" is an interactive Mathematics multimedia program designed to provide an integrated fun approach to learning mathematics for the student. It incorporates a combination of tutorial, discovery, drill, and practice learning strategies and techniques. Remedial and enrichment activities are integral components of the program. Sophia the LobsterTM introduces thirteen "Just for Fun" games while Jerry the JellyfishTM offers twenty pieces of whale trivia for the student to read and listen to....
Area Kyushu Hiroshima
Power Siphon Power Siphon is a high performance web spider which enables you to download web sites or any web content that you specify and save it on your hard drive for off-line use. Downloading an entire web site is as easy as providing the URL of the home page or any other starting page. You can watch the progress of the download in real time and then access all of the content off-line from your hard drive. You may also compress downloaded content into a single self-extracting EXE file for additional portability or distribution. Power Siphon also features its own viewer which allows you to view your downloaded content in unique ways such as with a slide show mode. This is automatically included in any EXE files you create and can be distributed on a royalty-free basis. Power Siphon is highly config...
Ieguardian IEGuardian allows you to customize Internet Explorer (IE), protect your IE settings against changes and block those annoying popup windows from appearing. This is the tool you need to retain and manage your web browser settings and to alert you of any changes made to them. Do you share your computer with someone else?. If so then IEGuardian can protect and guard your browser settings against changes. It allows you to disable web browser settings so that they cannot be changed. Restrict access to menu items, toolbar features, and button options. Prevent others from editing your Favorite list. Disable Internet Options changes, such as home page, Dial-up or LAN setting, connection settings, History, Advanced setting and many others. Have your ever wanted to change your IE logo? We...
123 Live Help Chat Server Software 123 Live Help Chat Server Software offers full-featured software or hosting service for your sales rep. or supporter to one-to-one chat with website visitors, to promote sales with online customer support. It's Java chat server flash live chat client with cheap price. 123 Live Help Chat Server Software supports from one seat to unlimited seats of staff members, which makes it the right solution for business of any sizes. Features: *Real-time Text Chat 123LiveHelp java server enables instant chat. *Web-based Client 123LiveHelp flash client loads fast and is completely web-based, so the end users don't need to download any plug-in application to chat directly with staff. *One to One Chat between (potential) customers and agent. *Visitors Waiting in Queue to get the ...
Redcoal Mobile Messenger For Ms Outlook Redcoal SMS Plugin for MS Outlook will create a "Send SMS" button on the Outlook toolbar. Just click it and send SMS messages to your field employees, staff, clients, partners and friends. Receive all replies via email. Easy to set-up Plugin allows for free SMS test messages.. About us:Redcoal services over 300 corporate clients in over 30 countries of the world. Our clients include Microsoft, AGFA, Adidas, Valvoline, ING Bank and many more... Redcoal Plugin allows you to: * Retrieve mobile phone numbers from your contact database. * Send SMS messages to MS Outlook distribution lists. * Schedule SMS messages to be sent at a certain date and time. * Send messages to broadcasting groups created via the admin web site. * Specify an email address to which all reply SMS messages are sent ...
Ventafax Voice Home VentaFax (tm) is a powerful fax/voice messaging system for Windows 9x, NT 4.x, 2000 and XP, with features and stability rivaling the high-end products like WinFax, but without the high cost and resource drain. VentaFax is quick, nimble, with a small footprint. It sends and receives fax messages via Class 1, 1.0, 2 and 2.0 faxmodems and emulates an answering machine with tone remote control, supporting most voice modems. Extremely user-friendly and intuitive, the VentaFax main control panel shows the image of page as it travels out of the visual fax machine slot. The best choice for the SOHO (small office / home office) user....
Research Lab Telephony Voip Suite It includes H323 phone DLL, SIP Phone and Dialgo Tapi DLL...
Myonelink Missed communications in today's world can result in lost opportunities on a number of fronts. It might be the urgent email saying that your client is ready to place that big order or the spontaneous message from that special someone. MyOneLink allows people on the go, like you, to open their lines of communication by consolidating multiple messaging mediums. Within one mailbox you can receive and respond to messages easily and quickly anytime, anywhere, through any media including the Internet. You will have instantaneous access to all voice mail, email or fax messages. MyOneLink is not just a mailbox but a complexity of converging messaging and telephony that provides reliability and versatility that is cost effective for everyone. The major benefits are the following: 1. Send/rece...
Email Platinum Email Platinum is great for bulk emailing your clients and prospects. Great for sending plain text email messages, html email messages, email newletters, etc to your list of clients or prospects. Holds as many different email lists as you want, stores your email messages or newsletters for later sends. Import your email lists easily from most text/html type formats. Also has a sales management feature to track your sales. Sends at spends of up to 10,000 emails per hour. The most ultimate economical business email software around. Great for e-newsletter publishers, political campaigns, customer contacts, personal prospect lists, members and subscriber lists, and more. A software to use to contact and maintain contact with your members, subscribers, clients, and prospects. Also has an email...
Noticeware Email Server Server Licence The NoticeWare Email Server NG is a high performance, multi-threaded email server for Windows NT4/2000/2003/XP which supports POP3 and SMTP protocols. Whether you are hosting your own email or collecting mail from your ISP, the NoticeWare Email Server will provide everything you need to run a secure and dependable email mail system. The NoticeWare Email Server is extremely easy to install and configure. To find out for yourself, download it now and try it free for 30 days! Major Features: Spam Protection Methods - Supports various methods of fighting Spam. Supports real time spam lists, relay authorization, black and white lists, content filtering and other methods. 3rd Party Virus Scanner Support - Scan your email using your current anti-virus software POP3 and SMTP Protocol Support -Th...
Fax Net Plus One ISDN card is enough and fax@NET Plus receives and sends your faxes. Those are saved as pictures and you can send them e.g. to your outlook. So your net becomes a Unified Messaging Network. These mails are delivered to your working place and can be viewed e.g. with the Internet Explorer. You can choose a file format between PNG, JPEG TIF. Also the size of your pictures are electable. In the light of the numbers (MSNs) for direct dialing faxes are delivered to different receivers. In addition you also can establish a redirection for known senders of course. So e.g. the "purchase" gets faxes from suppliers indifferently where they have bent sent to. fax@NET key features: Receiving faxes with modem or ISDN Send faxes with faxprinter Deliver by email Redire...
Fax Mail The easy way for incoming fax fax@Net receives Faxes and sends it per SMTP to your mailaccount. You can have as much predefined numbers and mail receivers as you want. This means, that every employee can receive faxes through outlook at low costs!! Short Info One ISDN card is enough and fax@NET receives your faxes. These faxes are saved as pictures and can be sent per mail to your outlook. So your net becomes a Unified Messaging Network! These mails are delivered to your working place and can be viewed e.g. with the Internet Explorer 5.0. You can choose a file format between PNG, JPEG TIF. Also the size of your pictures are electable. In the light of the numbers (MSNs) for direct dialing faxes are delivered to different receivers. In addition you also can establish a redirection for...
Email Server Software Cmailserver CMailServer is an economic Internet/Intranet mail server with web mail. It is great for small and medium sized companies and organizations that need a mail server. CMailServer allows every computer in network to send and receive e-mails across the Internet and within the LAN. It also provides web mail and ESMTP service....
Popconnect Plus Receive POP3 mails with Exchange MS Exchange Server is not able to collect mails from external POP3 or IMAP4 accounts. popConnect plus is built to do that. It connects to POP3 or IMAP4 accounts, requests the mails and moves them to the right exchange mailbox. It works with Exchange version 4 and higher (including SBS). Why popConnect plus? popConnect plus is a reliable solution for receiving external mails. You don't need a permanent internet connection also if you have an internal exchange server running. Set popConnect plus to collect the mails e.g. each hour to save internet resources. You do not have additional costs for each mailaccount. The license is for the whole server without any limitations. Virus protection popConnect plus has additional features to filter mails and their at...
Move Gold
Spam Assault Italian Version Spam Assault! Italian Edition works to get you removed from the bulk mailing lists. It accomplishes this by sending "Undeliverable Mail" messages to the sender. Also Blocks and Filters and checks for valid Reply-To addresses. Save List Only mode will block all email unless the sender is someone in your Save List. Automatically imports Outlook Express and Incredimail accounts....
Popconnect Receive POP3 mails with Exchange MS Exchange Server is not able to collect mails from external POP3 or IMAP4 accounts. popConnect is built to do that. It connects to POP3 or IMAP4 accounts, requests the mails and moves them to the right exchange mailbox. It works with Exchange version 4 and higher (including SBS). Why popConnect? popConnect is a reliable solution for receiving external mails. You don't need a permanent internet connection also if you have an internal exchange server running. Set popConnect to collect the mails e.g. each hour to save internet resources. You do not have additional costs for each mailaccount. The license is for the whole server without any limitations. ...
Mail Direct Pro Mail Direct is a program that will allow you bypass your ISP's mail server and use your computer to send e-mails directly to recipients. The program can do this because it has a built-in SMTP server which you can use instead of your ISP's mail server. All you have to do is set up your e-mail client to use "localhost" as your outgoing mail server and run Mail Direct. The program will then deliver any e-mail that you send out through it, and it will terminate delivery of messages that you have sent out to wrong or bad e-mail addresses. Mail Direct Pro has more options and powerful mail processing ability for professionals....
Mail Direct Mail Direct is a program that will allow you bypass your ISP's mail server and use your computer to send e-mails directly to recipients. The program can do this because it has a built-in SMTP server which you can use instead of your ISP's mail server. All you have to do is set up your e-mail client to use "localhost" as your outgoing mail server and run Mail Direct. The program will then deliver any e-mail that you send out through it, and it will terminate delivery of messages that you have sent out to wrong or bad e-mail addresses. Mail Direct Pro has more options and powerful mail processing ability for professionals....
Spam Assault 5 0 Professional Edition Spam Assault! 5.0 Professional Edition works to get you removed from the bulk mailing lists. It accomplishes this by sending "Undeliverable Mail" messages to the sender. Also automatically removes spam directly from your mail server without even downloading a preview. Blocks and Filters and checks for valid Reply-To addresses. Save List Only mode will block all email unless the sender is someone in your Save List. Automatically imports Outlook Express and Incredimail accounts....
Files Jpg Picture
Spam Assault Professional Edition Spam Assault! 4.0 Professional Edition works to get you removed from the bulk mailing lists. It accomplishes this by sending "Undeliverable Mail" messages to the sender. While you're waiting to get removed, SAP lets you manage junk mail by supporting an unlimited number of blocked senders and domains (including wildcard matching). SAP also identifies fake reply-to addresses and marks offending messages for deletion. SAP also can block spam based on country of origin. Alternatively, add valid email addresses to the Save List to ensure valid email is never inadvertently deleted. For maximum protection, activate Save List Only mode and all messages not from someone in your Save List will be deleted. Automatically imports accounts from Outlook Express and Incredimail...
Ivory Personal Ivory Personal lets you easily access Microsoft Outlook on your home computer or laptop from a mobile phone or CDPD Palm or Pocket PC. It's as simple as bookmarking the Ivory server then entering a username/password. You'll be able to access your PC (as long as it's online at the time) and check your email or view an appointment. You can reply to email or send new correspondence as well. A wizard gets you registered, and detailed help explains the simple operation of Ivory. * Simple and fast installation. * Completely secured with SSL/RC6. * SMS capabilities - limited to some areas and networks....
Spam Assault 3 0 Professional Edition Spam Assault! 3.0 Professional Edition works to get you removed from the bulk mailing lists. It accomplishes this by sending "Undeliverable Mail" messages to the sender. While you're waiting to get removed, SAP lets you manage junk mail by supporting an unlimited number of blocked senders and domains (including wildcard matching). SAP also identifies fake reply-to addresses and marks offending messages for deletion. Alternatively, add valid email addresses to the Save List to ensure valid email is never inadvertently deleted. For maximum protection, activate Save List Only mode and all messages not from someone in your Save List will be deleted....
E Mail Informer E-mail Informer is a very useful and indispensable utility for people using Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP as an e-mail client. E-mail Informer notifies you about all incoming messages and shows their headers above taskbar while not interrupting you from work. Therefore, there is no need for launching Microsoft Outlook or switching to it to find out what messages you have received. E-mail Informer will save your time!...
Rpv E Mailer Rpv E-Mailer will be helpful for beginners and advanced users, being a great tool to send your newsletters or even to integrate it to existing systems to give them the ability to send e-mails automatically....
Customer For Perspective
Toplang Oe Backup TopLang OE Backup utility is a backup tool for MS Outlook Express and MS Outlook. it can backup your mails, address book, signatures, message rules, block senders, accounts for the Outlook Express and MS Outlook software. with its easy to use wizard interface, you can easily backup or restore your email data with Outlook Express and Outlook Express....
Contactgenie Importer 1 3 ContactGenie Importer is a contact import tool for Microsoft Outlook 2000/2003 to rapidly and efficiently import new contacts/leads received on a repetitive basis from suppliers, websites, and other sources via all major file formats (CSV, tab-delimited, custom delimited, MS Access and Visual FoxPro, without re-entering mapping info. Supports automatic creation of and mapping to user-defined fields with data type/format validation. Default contact folder can be esignated for each template or selected at the time of import. Can be run on a scheduled basis via command line options....
E Campaign Standard Edition e-Campaign is licensed on a per-user basis (not by concurrent users) -- a user is a person who uses e-Campaign to create and send email. For example, if you have three people who use e-Campaign, you need to purchase three licenses: one license for each of those three people. Multiple user licenses are available for a discounted price. ...
Desktop Emailer Desktop Emailer is an affordable mailing list software solution that allows you to send out high volume, personalized email messages to an unlimited number of recipients. It works with any SMTP/POP3 mailserver on any platform/ISP, it can send text or HTML (MIME) messages with images or attachments, and works database import/export to and from Access, Excel, and custom text database. Now you can manage your contacts easily right from your desktop....
Qk Smtp Server QK SMTP Server is a powerful but extremely easy-to-use smtp server software, which can send mails from local host to the recipients' mailboxes directly at an amazingly high speed. Arrived or not, you will get feedback instantly. QK SMTP Server can work with most mail clients, including Outlook Express, Eudora, IncrediMail, the Bat!, Mutt, KMail, Pegasus, DevMail, Mail Bomber, Delta Mail, Foxmail, and more! QK SMTP Server can also work with most mass email sender software so as to improve their performance in an amazingly way! ...
Built Are In
Mailchute V1 02 If you frequently transfer files between the office and home, then MailChute is the product for you. You can send files to another location simply by dragging from Windows Explorer and dropping it over the MailChute icon (requires Microsoft Outlook)....
Htmail Pro HTMail Pro is an extremely fast, feature-rich and scalable e-mailing program that sends HTML or text formatted messages to your opt-in mailing lists. Software packages that perform similar to HTMail Pro can cost thousands of dollars, and require a beefed-up server and software installation. HTMail Pro, thanks to its optimized ultrafast SMTP communication, outperforms any personalized bulk e-mail software of up to $20,000. HTMail Pro is ideal for dynamic and personalized newsletters and includes management and automation features such as address and dup checking, session backup, black list, and much more. With HTMail Pro you can easily send millions of personalized e-mails per day and manage multiple lists with an unlimited number of subscribers. Basic features: * Choose the fo...
007 Email Verify Express Bulk Email Validator | Very Fast Professional Email Address Verify Software. 1) Fast verify speed. Can verify about 100000 email per hours. 2) Only verify email is valid or not and nothing is send to the email recipitent. 3) Remove invalid , not existed and duplicate email address. Improve performance of Mailing list. 4) Provide different mailing lists compare, combine and remove tool. 5) Very Simple to use. 6) Support Large Email List Validation, importing 100000 email addresses less than 6 second....
Mailnavigator MailNavigator is a mail and news client that contains some unique capabilities. It contains a system for retrieving information from the archives of most popular mail programs, including Microsoft Mail, News, Outlook, and Outlook Express; Netscape Messenger; Eudora; Forte Agent; Pegasus Mail; The Bat; Eserv; and Fidonet mail. The description language of the filters includes the standard operators: or, and, not, near, their synonyms, and parentheses for defining the order of operators. The search can be executed on the whole word or on a part of a word....
Mailnavigator MailNavigator is a mail and news client that contains some unique capabilities. It contains a system for retrieving information from the archives of most popular mail programs, including Microsoft Mail, News, Outlook, and Outlook Express; Netscape Messenger; Eudora; Forte Agent; Pegasus Mail; The Bat; Eserv; and Fidonet mail. The description language of the filters includes the standard operators: or, and, not, near, their synonyms, and parentheses for defining the order of operators. The search can be executed on the whole word or on a part of a word....
Topmail TopMail is an email client that lets you send anonymous emails from any email address to any email address. All you need is to be online, you don't need to have an email account. With TopMail you can instantly send out emails that appear to arrive from any email address or name you want. TopMail can also auto detect an SMTP server to send the emails thru making the -send- process as simple as possible....
Joinsync Mailserver Joinsync Mailserver - The powerful, customizable mailserver for Windows NT/2000. Support for SMTP POP3 - the standard internet mailtransfer protocols. Includes a fully customizable Web-Access module (.ASP pages) that runs on Windows IIS webserver, and also an easy-to-use administrator module to get you started in no-time!...
Spam Trapper For Outllook Spam Trapper is a multilevel spam filter for Microsoft Outlook version 2000 and later. It is a plug-in component with clear convenient interface. The first level checks your address book and validates all letters from your clients. So letters from your friends and colleagues are never processed as spam. Other levels check message language, subject, body, http links and other mail feature. The filter has Special Statistical levels that are based on unique algorithms. The last level is a Bayes Filter. Such program architecture allows catching spam before the Bayes Filter is trained enough and minimizes the filter training period. Any level can be switched off. Spam Trapper does not work with Outlook Express....
Out Spam Out Spam is a spam filter program. It can remove junk letters from a POP3 mail server without downloading them to a client computer. The principal way to separate mail is the use of worldwide black lists of spam mail servers. The program can also filter letters by languages and letter header errors. It supports the multi accounts usage. Validation rules allow user to prevent deleting important letters by mistake. The program can be executed in two modes: auto mode and interactive mode. In the auto mode the program is always resident, periodically checks Internet connection and removes spam without user's control. In the interactive mode a user controls the process of checking and removing letters. The program can be easily combined with other mail filters and mail client programs....
Adds For Outlook Adds for Outlook is a plug-in component for Microsoft Outlook. This is a collection of small improvements. (*) You can use Outlook as an alarm clock. But if you exit it by mistake alarm will not work. Adds for Outlook allows prevent Outlook from exiting. Instead it hides Outlook and sets an Outlook icon into the systray. So Outlook is always at hand and no alarm messages will be lost. (*)The Reminder of Microsoft Outlook can play only wav-file alarms. This Outlook Add-In component allow to play as alarms any music and video files ( mp3, mpg, avi, etc. ) (*) There is a Microsoft mistake in some outlook versions: only the first copy of the running application can execute scripts and plug-ins. Adds for Outlook can prevent multiply starting of Outlook. (*) When you receive advertisement...
Email Extractor eMail extractor is a very powerful tool to extract email address from all kind of files. eMail extractor is very fast, easy to use and multithread. eMail extractor retrieves absolutely all valid email address from your files and generates an output file with only good and well formatted emails without duplicates....
Email Address Extractor Automatically extract all email addresses from your PC! A simple yet invaluable tool that can automatically dig out all of the email addresses directly from your Outlook Express files or any other files! Search your entire system if you like! Import the results back into your Windows Address Book, or import it into Excel, Word, or your favorite app. Great for mail merge. Find thousands of real email addresses from your own email files! Search your internet cache! Search through ANY FILE at all and find the hidden treasure on your PC right now! NO LIMITS -- you can search every file on every storage device you have! Super smart Email Address Extractor can get the all! SAVED AS SIMPLE TEXT! Import them with Word, Excel, Access, or almost any other program! Build your own mailing lists! Yo...
Justmailer JustMailer is an easy to use bulk mail program. You can create mailing lists within the program or import them from other email programs. You can create messages within the program or import them from text files. You can send to all names in the list or selected names. An attachment can be sent with each message....
Email Protector Automatically protect your email from prying eyes! Anyone can read your Outlook Express email, but Email Protector can password protect and automatically log off your email account! Email Protector shows you how to add password protection to your Outlook Express email. You have done this already? Well then you know that simply closing Outlook Express STILL leaves you vulnerable. The next person who walks by can restart the program and have full access to your email without your password! Yikes! Email Protector logs you off: Automatically! That's right, you set the delay and when you walk away, Outlook Express automatically logs you off. Now nobody can access your email without your password! Even better, when you close Outlook Express, Email Protector automatically logs you off i...
Which Board Game
Stationery Selector Quicky and easily customize your email! Just browse and click to set a background image for Outlook Express email. Change your stationery as often as you change your mind! Find the exact stationery you want fast and set it with a single click, no menus! No limits to your stationery choices! Let Stationery Selector direct you to tons of FREE stationery! Let Stationery Selector show you a large preview for ALL of your stationery. Even a complete beginner can send out beautiful email, no more drab white background!...
Outlook Extractor Don apos;t waste your valuable time! Extract all email addresses from Microsoft Outlook. Choose your folders, everything is easy and automatic Both From: and To: addresses are extracted, including multiple recipients, with NO DUPLICATES! You get a clean mailing list, saved in a simple text file which is perfect to import or even cut and paste into your favorite program, mailing list manager, word processor, or spreadsheet! Save your time and let Outlook Extractor do all the work for you!...
Message Microphone Send and Receive Voice Email Messages, sends an optional picture. Maintains a list of Buddies and a great interface called "Buddy Space" that is a "We Said" - "They Said" display of the last 20 messags between you and each Buddy. Sends messages in the background. Precision waveform editor supports cut/copy/paste. (Near future integration with Voice Boards)...
Email Forwarder This utility will selectively forward your MS-Outlook Email messages to another email address. It even works through corporate firewalls. You can also create custom filters to only forward certain messages based on message size, sender and text. An ideal use of this utility is to forward your Email messages from work to a home or internet Email address in order to stay in touch while on business trips or any time you apos;re away from the office....
Finalemail FINALeMAIL scans the email database file and locates lost emails that do not have data location information associated with them. FINALeMAIL has the capability of restoring lost emails and restoring them to their original state. Not only can FINALeMAIL recover single email messages it can also recover full email database files. This is an invaluable capability when such files are attacked by viruses or are damaged by accidental formatting. With FINALeMAIL computer novices will be recovering lost messages like data recovery professionals. It is highly recommended that FINALeMAIL be installed prior to any accidental email loss. If installed afterwards there is a risk of overwriting a recoverable hard drive sector that contains invaluable data. Recover email lost by virus infection, acc...
Utilities Font Tools
Internet Exchange Messaging Server Iems IEMS 5 a stand-alone messaging system whose design is specifically tailored to enable legacy email systems to coexist with proprietary messaging systems while making full use of Internet messaging and directory services supporting Linux and Windows....
Email Forwarder This utility monitors your Microsoft Outlook email and selectively forwards your new messages to an outside email address. This forwarding even works through corporate firewalls and is ideal for getting your company email while away on business trips or any time you're out of the office. The utility also includes a set of custom filters which you can set up to only forward messages that meet criteria that you specify. The filters examin incoming message size, sender and/or message subject and text....
Multiemail Pro MultiEmail Plus is a powerful mass email software, designed to automate your business by giving you the power to reach millions of people through their personal computer portal. This capability is achieved by sending thousands of email messages to your customers, clients, and lead lists for instance. It includes all the comprehensive tools needed to completely automate your online business mailings....
Rb Mailwizard After ordering RB MailWizard you will be able to create personalized emails in either HTML or text format. Email addresses and other information, such as the message itself or personal information, may origin from a database source or a plain text file....
123 Spam Filter 123 Spam Filter is an advanced POP3 email filtering utility. Does not only use an existing email list to filter - it looks at the total email, all parts to determine if it's spam. You can create a "block sender" list as well. You can add a sender or special keywords to your friends list so that any messages that are sent from these addresses will be marked as Trusted Message by 123 Spam Filter to catch your attention, even if they contain something that would make them look like spam. This feature is also very useful if you subscribe to mailing lists. 123 Spam Filter is very quick since the entire e-mail message doesn't have to be downloaded to determine if the e-mail is junk. You can set 123 Spam Filter to check e-mail automatically in the background at a pre-determined interval. As y...
Hs Multi Email Sender Multi-Email Sender is a software which sends e-mail to a list of e-mail adresses in HTML or plain format. What differs from a standard e-mail tool is that it does not need any specific configuration: It does not need any host name for sending e-mail (SMTP server). It acts as an SMTP relaying software. It does not need DNS name setting : It retrieves the DNS number automatically. The software is a must for organizations which sends periodic e-mails to a mailing list. It has a control mechanism which validates e-mail addresses in the list, seperates the failed and the successful ones into the text files and generates a log file for errors occured. In case of interruption such as internet disconnection or closure of the software, It saves the last actions and resumes its processes....
Hs Mailperfect Email filtering software which sits behind an email client such as Outlook Express. It wakes up when the client starts checking email messages from the account and lists messages classifying them in three categories : possible virused messages (RED), spam messages (YELLOW) and useful messages (GREEN). Selected messages are removed from the remote account. In other words, viruses and spams do not pass through the local machine instead they are totally removed from the server. Other useful messages pass through the software to the email client (i.e Outlook Express) providing a neat and clean environment for your important archives. ...
Rb Mailwasher RB MailWasher is an easy tool for validation of email addresses. While sending large quantities of emails, the numbers of bounced messages might be significant due to incorrect or expired email addresses. Taking care of the bounced messages in order to keep quality in the email list, is often a highly manual issue, since error messages from the receiving mail server are somewhat arbitrary. However, using RB MailWasher, the quality check of all listed email addresses is performed before sending a single email. For each email address, this tool checks the existence of the specific email account at the receiving mail server. An output report shows the current status of all addresses....
Personalized Mass Mailer License To send emails using our ASP instead of your SMTP server, you will have to purchase a licence which costs US$20 for sending 2000 mails. Kindly send us your username and we will credit your account with 2000 email license....
Making Form Relevant
Email Bounce Handler eMail Bounce Handler is a POP mailbox bounce e-mail filtering and handling tool that recognizes bounce e-mails using a customizable set of rules and extracts the recipients addresses allowing you to use them again to try sending your mail or to take them off your list....
Mailsentinel MailSentinel allows organizations to manage productivity of the enterprise, preserve network bandwidth and reduce legal liability through controlled e-mail access....
E Mail Hunter A powerful tool for extracting emails from web pages, clipboard, local files. It supports operation through a proxy-server. You can not only limit scanning depth and width, you also can cut off unnecessary paths using patterns or just delete them from URL list during operation. Span Levels help in deciding how deep you wish to venture into a web site to collect email address. E-mail Hunter! comes with a built in Auto-Copy feature. Whenever you copy or cut anything from any other application on a webpage, E-mail hunter will automatically analyse the content for e-mails and Links. The e-mails are automatically pasted to your database and the links are automatically added for processing and if you are online, the emails from this link are automatically extracted. Using our Personalised Ma...
Email Verifier eMail Verifier can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients, nonprofit organizations who send bulletins to their members, or any person or business that needs to maintain a clean e-mail contact list.Email Verifier is a very effective piece of software that can verify over 10 e-mails per second. It can verify single e-mails or huge lists.. ...
Maxbulk Mailer Pro Maxprog has created the ultimate tool for all of your email marketing needs. MaxBulk Mailer allows you to design and send professional looking emails to your customers and prospects for as little as fractions of a penny... directly from your own desktop. Here is a breakthrough tool from Maxprog that will allow you to increase your profits, strengthen your customer service and send your messages to new markets. MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured mail-merge tool for Macintosh and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers. MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and styled text documents and gives full support for attachments. Take a ...
Live From Stats
Proxymail Unlimited Users A nice proxy mail server, which will grab e-mail for any user on a network through a single internet connection. It sorts the mail, then delivers it to the user's desktop. It also allows for internal network mail, without a connection to the internet....
Maxbulk Mailer Maxprog has created the ultimate tool for all of your email marketing needs. MaxBulk Mailer allows you to design and send professional looking emails to your customers and prospects for as little as fractions of a penny... directly from your own desktop. Here is a breakthrough tool from Maxprog that will allow you to increase your profits, strengthen your customer service and send your messages to new markets. MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured mail-merge tool for Macintosh and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers. MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and styled text documents and gives full support for attachments. Take a ...
Proxymail 20 Users A nice proxy mail server, which will grab e-mail for any user on a network through a single internet connection. It sorts the mail, then delivers it to the user's desktop. It also allows for internal network mail, without a connection to the Internet....
Dupex DupeX is an easy-to-use application that will let you quickly find (and remove) duplicate email addresses from a mailing list. If you manage a large mailing list, it can help remove duplicates and keep your list pristine. A simple step-by-step interface lets you select a text file containing the addresses. DupeX will scan the file and report on duplicates found, letting you save (in plain-text or comma-separated format) both the unique addresses and the duplicates. It can also combine multiple e-mail lists into one "clean" file (again in text or CSV format) and giving you the option of saving the duplicates to another file. ...
Dynamic Mail Communicator V2 0 Professional Dynamic Mail Communicator is an automated email marketing software that will allow you to create, manage and track the results of your permission based bulk email campaigns and newsletter distributions in the most simple and user-friendly way. Dynamic Mail Communicator enables mail merge, opt-in email list management, email newsletters, email announcements, email list hosting, direct email campaigns, and email discussion groups. No other opt-in email software on the market can beat its price/features ratio and the best thing is that you dont need any technical knowledge to start making use of its capabilities. ...
Life Software Webeditor
Dynamic Mail Communicator Dynamic Opt-In Emailer is a complete email marketing promotion tool that includes ALL the functions you need for your e-marketing promotion. It allows you send *Personalized* messages to your clients, auto-remove *undelieverable* returned emails, sorting and de-duplicating your email addresses, add subscribe email addresses to a mailing list and much more. ...
Tigridium Web Mailer For downloading Web-resourses using e-mail: You can use off-line (e-mail) mode only; You can get a copy of HTML-page with images; You can get a copy of HTML-page with the subordinated pages; Support of protocols HTTP and FTP; Connection of splitted files (archives); You can use the address book for storing the interesting links; Server`s statistics. Use it if you have e-mail only, low speed of downloading, Firewall etc....
Yspam Investing Message Reader Yspam is a very simple to use message reader for the Yahoo Investing Message Boards. It flags any potential spam and allows you to rank users and messages. You will find that using YSpam is the quickest way to read messages for the stocks you follow....
1010 Software Yspam Investing Message Reader Yspam is a very simple to use message reader for the Yahoo Investing Message Boards. It flags any potential spam and allows you to rank users and messages. You will find that using YSpam is the quickest way to read messages for the stocks you follow....
Mailmailer Software MailMailer is a compact easy to use server (web) based email mailer. It is specifically designed for the small business market, not to be the biggest or most featured but to be a clean efficient contact tool helping you to send newsletters to your clients, contact your staff, send one email or many. Key Features - compact size (7 kb download), ease of use, web based (just upload to your web host), clean (virus free) text emails delivered from your server not your computer, real time Send Status, capacity to load default Mailing List and Email Body from server, web based access (you can send from anywhere), accepts Mailing Lists in comma separated format, provides mail merge for contact NAME. All you need is a web browser and a web server that supports the php scripting language (inclu...
Aqt126 624
Nmail Server V 1 04 nMail Server is a very basic intranet or Internet email server for Windows NT 2000. It allows you to provide full internal and external email handling, and works with all common clients such as Outlook Express, Eudora, and Pegasus. It also supports Web mail features....
Inbox Inbox helps you filter email from your mail account. In other words, you get to delete spam before wasting time downloading it....
Abcspell For Outlook Express Isota ABCSpell for Outlook Express instantly adds spell checking to Outlook Express! You get: - a Spelling button on your Outlook Express toolbar , - a Spelling option in your Tools menu - a Thesaurus so you can access synonyms, antonyms and related words - an Online Merriam-Webster Word Lookup Easy to Use ABCSpell for Outlook Express plugs right into your application, so it works invisibly -- like part of the program! There's nothing to learn -- you just check spelling by clicking the Spelling button in the Outlook Express toolbar, or right-click on a word to open the Thesaurus or Merriam-Webster Word Lookup. Works Automatically You can tell ABCSpell to always check spelling before sending, so you'll never forget to spell-check a message again! When you click Send, your messa...
Armadillo Mail Armadillo Mail allows you to index all the mails received and to organize them in dynamic virtual folders. One can trigger the indexing process manually or at predefined time intervals automatically. If needed, the attachment files are automatically copied to a predefined folder. It is possible to include or exclude some file types. The attached files will be also indexed (when the software recognizes them) and classified. In this case, when one is looking for mails, the software will also display the attached files in their original format or in a text format if they were indexed. One can add personal notes to the emails and to the indexed attached files. Then it is possible to search the notes with the natural query language. Of course, ArmadilloMail benefits from the power of th...
Arclab Maillist Controller MailList Controller is an email mailing list and marketing solution designed to send out personalized messages, manage multiple mailing lists, newsletters, campaigns, e-zines, announcements, support and group mails. The program runs as service on your desktop, workstation or server. You can use the built-in mailserver for direct delivery or use an external SMTP server. The WYSIWYG editor allows you to create personalized rich-text (HTML) messages or you use your default mail client. Other features are: webform requests, single and double opt-in, ODBC support, linked lists, returned message detection and many more....
And Memory Processing
Oe5 E Mail Collector OE5 E-mail Collector scans the contents of Outlook Express 5 message headers, exporting the resulting data (e-mail, name) to the Outlook Express address book. It also exports the data to other file formats, such as text (txt), comma separated values (csv), and dBASE (dbf). It collects names and emails by scanning the Outlook Express message headers, looking for the fields SENDER, CC, TO, etc....
Abc Amber Thunderbird Converter ABC Amber Thunderbird Converter was developed to help you keep your important messages organized in one file (as a hypertext system). It is a very useful tool that converts your e-mails from Thunderbird e-mail client to any document format (CHM, PDF, HTML, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MCW, WPS, SAM, RFT, WS4, WS7, WRI, etc.) easily and quickly. All you have to do is select required messages, choose document format to convert and click Save As button. Currently our software supports more than 50 languages. With ABC Amber Thunderbird Converter you won't ever waste your time to organize your messages!...
Smilingmail SmilingMail is a funny e-mail tool. Using this software, you can insert more than 700 smiley faces into emails you are sending. All you have to do is click a smiley to insert it to your opened email window. You can say "goodbye" to drab and vapid text e-mails now. SmilingMail works with Outlook, Outlook Express and IncrediMail....
Abc Amber Mozilla Converter ABC Amber Mozilla Converter was developed to help you keep your important messages organized in one file (as a hypertext system). It is a very useful tool that converts your e-mails from Mozilla (Netscape) to any document format (CHM, PDF, HTML, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MCW, WPS, SAM, RFT, WS4, WS7, WRI, etc.) easily and quickly. All you have to do is select required messages, choose document format to convert and click Save As button. Currently our software supports more than 50 languages. With ABC Amber Mozilla Converter you won't ever waste your time to organize your messages!...